Top Face Recognition Services 2022

Top Face Recognition Services 2022

In this article, we will talk about facial recognition systems on the market and examine the solutions offered by different companies.
Tolga Akşahin
4 minutes

Probably, most of all have heard about Facial Recognition systems in the last few years. Those systems were at the movies, series, and our daily news. Face Recognition has a very wide range of application areas. Have you ever wondered about the market behind this technology? Who are the frontiers of those services? In this article, I would like to give brief information about the market analysis, the competition behind the curtain, and what Cameralyze can offer to put you one step further from the competition.

First, let's explain what Facial Recognition is; as the primary explanation, Face Recognition is identifying or validating an individual using their face. The recognition process can be made with a photo, video, or live stream broadcast. So how can this system make life easier for businesses? The limit is the sky; with the brand new No-Code applications, the logic gates enable the customer to create hundreds of different usage methods. The most common ones can be exemplified as workplace security, authorizing employees, detecting social distance, analyzing customers' behavior, creating employee schedules, preventing theft, and much more.

The technology is gaining even more momentum; we can see that with the latest investments from globally giant companies like Amazon and Google. According to Statista, the Facial Recognition market size was 5.01 Billion U.S. Dollars in 2021, and the market is estimated to reach 12.92 Billion U.S. Dollars by 2027. The help of A.I. amplifies the growth of the market seriously. Combining A.I. with Face Recognition enables the end-user to create actionable insights from the data monitored by the hardware systems.

Some large or fast-growing companies want a share of this vast potential market; let's look at those.

Who Sells Face Recognition

As mentioned above, the market has a tough economy for now, but the future shows even more potential for growth. With those estimates, the market competition is becoming more challenging, and all the companies are trying to offer different benefits to stand out from the competition. We will go through companies like; Clarifai, TrueFace, FaceX, CyberLink, Amazon Rekognition, Cameralyze, Kairos, and Oosto.

1. Clarifai Inc.

Clarifai Inc. is an artificial intelligence (A.I.) business focused on computer vision that recognizes and evaluates images and videos using deep neural networks and machine learning; founded in New York and has been operating in the market since 2013.

Clarifai has a user-friendly interface; the panel is minimalistic, and every button and feature is well adjusted; however, since there is no education guidance, it can be a bit hard to understand what can be done and become good at using it.

At scale, Facial Recognition technology makes it possible to match human faces in pictures and movies. End-users can get started using Clarifai's pre-trained Face Recognition, Detection, and Demographics Models. See if there are any faces in the pictures or videos. You can tell if a group of faces belong to the same person by looking at facial characteristics like the space between your eyes, the curve of your nose, or the shape of your cheekbones.

The system offers a wide range of use cases like I.D. verification, Customer Identification, Media Exploitation, Access Control, or Theft Prevention. Those features differ as the enterprise needs I.D. verification to help speed up the process of processing id photos and also increase the level of security by preventing fraud-related problems that human flaws can cause. The system also allows enterprises to know their customer, like identifying high potential or VIP customers to provide personalized customer experiences. Media exploitation is another essential feature. According to Clarifai, Investigative times are substantially accelerated while targeted targets are tracked and found 100 times more quickly in video feeds and photos. This helps analyze a massive amount of visual data sets in under a few hours. Access control is again can be used in different sectors due to security compliances. The system ensures access to schools, airports, and offices and keeps people safe. Send alerts when concerns arise in physical spaces. This application offers validation for every employee or customer.

So to sum it all up, Clarifai is one of the leading companies in the market; the company's solutions offer quite a wide range of use cases, and using the system is relatively easy; however, for non-users understanding the working logic can be challenging and product prices are visibly higher compared to the other companies.

2. FaceX

We will now go through another big player in the market, which is FaceX. FaceX is a company from Bangalore, India. FaceX was founded in 2018, and they have been operating in the Face Recognition industry since then. They are explicitly focused on Facial Recognition Technology and have features like Face Detection, Face Landmarks, Face Recognition, Spoof Detection, and Face Tracking. The company provides this service for different use cases like customer identification for businesses, airport check-ins, school attendance management, etc. Now let's briefly go through their dashboards.

FaceX offers an easily accessible products bar at the top of the dashboard. End-users can use products like FaceAPIs, FaceSearch, Mobile SDK, and On-Prem SDK; with one click, after clicking the product page opens, and there are many user guidelines to help new users. The products are accessible from the bar on the left side of the page too, and there are not many complications since the apps are limited. The announcements and help center are located below the apps, which are user-friendly and easily understandable.

After clicking FaceAPIs, features inside welcome the user. There are features like Image Attributes, Facial Comparison and Facial Vector. Face Detect (Image Attributes) API accepts a single image as input and provides a complete attribute analysis of each face in the image. Face Compare API accepts two images (each with a single face) as input, analysis if they belong to the same person, and provides a confidence score as output. Lastly, Face Vector API accepts a single image (with a single face) as input and converts the face detected into a facial template, which can be stored and used to perform recognition. There are guide videos for each feature located at the top. The dashboard is generally easy to use.

3. CyberLink

Now let's briefly mention another company that specializes in providing facial recognition engines for IoT/AIoT systems; CyberLink. CyberLink is already a pretty big player in the multimedia software market. CyberLink is a Taiwanese multimedia software company headquartered in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Its products include P.C. and mobile applications for playback movies and media, editing of videos and photos, and disc burning and backup solutions, founded in 1996.

Their Face Recognition product is called FaceMe, with different features making them stand out from the competition. According to FRVT Verification, they are the most accurate facial recognition provider in the world. Their system is also highly flexible to IoT/AIoT devices with almost every hardware configuration. The company's solutions serve a variety of use cases, like Access Control, Security and Surveillance, Health and Safety, Time and Attendance, eKYC and Fintech, Smart Retail and Personalized Customer Experiences, and Law Enforcement. Since they offer pretty advanced and complex systems, the target users can be classified as upper mid - high-level businesses.

Also, globally giant companies are operating in the Facial Recognition market too, like Amazon. They are offering a basic free and premium for-fee Face Recognition service named Amazon Rekognition. The system has various features going from Content Moderation to Video Event Detection. Now let's go for a deep dive into the dashboard and what Amazon has to offer.

The first look of the dashboard is pretty clean and minimalistic. Using the Label Detection feature takes just a few seconds. There is an upload button; after that, the database system detects the objects and labels them. The reliability scores are also shown on the right side of the page. The system's feature set is pretty broad, even though it is a demo account. There is a feature bar on the left side of the page like we used to, and the interface is designed to be compatible with the general touch gestures. The features are labeled detection, Image moderation, Facial analysis, Celebrity recognition, Face comparison, Text in the image, PPE detection, Stored Video Analysis, Streaming Video Events, and Metrics. The dashboard is designed to be available to independent users. Features are most likely to address personal users too. Like content, moderation is used for detecting potentially unsafe, inappropriate, or unwanted content across images and videos; Celebrity recognition is a unique feature. The system is accurate since it has the database and technology power of Amazon. However, businesses might choose to go forward with more dedicated solutions.

4. Cameralyze

Now we will go through the following company, Cameralyze. Cameralyze, which is an initiative that develops an artificial intelligence-supported virtual assistant by analyzing camera images, was founded in 2019 in Delaware, USA. The easily integrated technology offers intelligent solutions with image processing technology over existing cameras and avoids hardware costs. The company also enables end-users to benefit from a wide range of solutions. The company's solutions are Face Recognition, Face Detection, Facial Emotion Recognition, Face Blurring, Human Detection, Content Moderation, Demographic Analysis and more.

Now, we will go through the dashboard of Cameralyze. The dashboard looks quite well packed; on the left side, there is account information, execution capacity progress bar, applications, data management, and integrations. A new application button is placed on the screen's right top side, making it pretty visible.

The interface is significantly user-friendly and easily understandable without the need for guidance. The call to action is well placed, and the feature bar at the right feels impulsive to use. The primary placements are like usual dashboards, which are used to form different types of applications, putting the dashboard one step ahead. When the 'New Application' button is clicked, the various features are shown; progressing by choosing one is relatively easy.

Eight different applications vary from Face Recognition to General Object Detection. The system can be used in various cases, from detecting and classifying customers and analyzing their experiences during the funnel. This feature also comes with the artificial intelligence platform with no code, which enables the end-user to derive actionable insights from that data.

So to summarize it all, Cameralyze offers an easily applicable system with a wide range of features at a really competitive price. The technology behind it is quite exciting, and the enterprises do not need to change any hardware; the system is so easy to integrate any camera or scanner. With additional features like age detection or emotion detection, the system definitely deserves a chance to try.


Now, at last, we are going to have a look at the solutions of Chooch. defines itself as the world's most flexible, full-lifecycle computer vision software platform. It enables enterprises and ecosystem partners to replicate human visual tasks in any industry and deploy them anywhere accurately and rapidly. The company was founded in 2015 in San Mateo, California, USA. The company operates in different fields of usage too. They are offering services in areas like Image Recognition, Face Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Real-Time Video Meta Data, and Visual Analytics.

Now we will examine their system and go to see what their technology has to offer.

The dashboard is the most crowded one we have seen so far. The feature bar is located on the left side of the screen again, which is easy to use. At first sight, the dashboard looks too crowded and complicated. However, all the features and information are well positioned. There is a wide range of features that can be used. There is also an area directly for analytics that is suitable for enterprises. The data is meaningful when it can turn into actionable business insights.

The Facial Recognition feature comes when clicked to 'Face Models' from the feature bar on the left side.

Using the system and creating a project process is not as impulsive as other systems. The looks and function can be optimized according to generally accepted touch gestures from different apps and systems that end-users use. Understanding how to create a model is a bit hard. The placement of the YouTube link that goes to the 'How Chooch Works' video is there for a reason. However, after using the system for some time and becoming more skilled, the broad areas of features started to put Chooch one step ahead of the competition.

Final Thoughts

So to summarize all the market and the companies, we can say that the market has scaled to a level that cannot be underestimated. Globally huge players like Google, Amazon, and Apple are increasing their Facial Recognition and Artificial Intelligence investments. The competition is pushing all the companies to improve, which is suitable for end-users. Although this has been an expensive application for the last few years, companies like Cameralyze have brought the technology to a level that can be used by any scale of enterprises or individual users at quite competitive prices, so sign up for free now from here and start using the benefits of Cameralyze just in seconds. With the spread of the use of those systems, businesses and our daily lives will become more efficient than ever.

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