How to do Pose Estimation using YOLOv7?

How to do Pose Estimation using YOLOv7?

In this article, we will guide you how to build pose estimation with YoloV7.
Muhammad Rizwan Munawar
2 min


  • CUDA 10.x/11.x need to be installed on your Linux/Windows System (If you are not using Google Colab)
  • Git needs to be installed on your Linux/Windows System.

Brief Intro About Pose Estimation

Pose estimation, as name the name suggests, "Estimate the pose of an object," is the very latest and becoming a common technique of computer vision. In this article, you will learn how to do pose estimation using YOLOv7. It can be used to solve many business problems, including fall detection, person pose guess, Yoga steps analyzer, pushup counter, etc.

So, let's start; the steps this article covers are mentioned below.

  • Clone YOLOv7 pose-estimation code from GitHub
  • Install the packages that need to run YOLOv7 pose estimation.
  • Download YOLOv7 pose-estimation weights
  • Pose Estimation on custom video

Clone YOLOv7 pose-estimation code from GitHub

Create a folder named "YOLOv7-pose estimation". Open the terminal/ (Command Prompt) in that folder. Clone the YOLOv7 pose-estimation repository with the mentioned command below.

git clone

Moved to the cloned folder and upgrade the pip using the mentioned command below.

Install the packages that need to run YOLOv7 pose estimation

Now, it's time to install python packages that will help you to run pose estimation easily on your system (GPU recommended). Use the mentioned command below to install packages.

Download YOLOv7 pose-estimation weights

It's time to download "YOLOv7-pose estimation", which will draw the pose of objects on video frames.
Weights Download link: HERE

Pose Estimation on Custom Video

Now, all your requirements are installed. It's your time to do the pose estimation. You can use any video on which you want to estimate the pose of different objects. In general, already video is available in the repository for testing; you can use that too. You can run the mentioned command below to apply pose estimation on your own videos.

pose estimation on custom video

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