Computer Vision Solutions: Enterprise AI Applications In Six Industries
Computer Vision Solutions: Enterprise AI Applications In Six Industries
As computer vision gets better, it helps businesses in a wide range of fields. Computer vision applications are everywhere now, and it's difficult to conceive of a field that hasn't used computers' increased capacity to "see" what's going on. Computer vision is a powerful tool that can be used to improve processes and results in many ways, from finding mistakes to stopping theft.
As we mentioned, many different applications of AI and computer vision are causing a stir in every sector. Artificial intelligence solutions increase as businesses replace outdated systems with digital alternatives.
This is where enterprise AI comes into play.
Enterprise AI is how a company integrates artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision solutions into its infrastructure. So, all the hard work is done by this technology (AI) that can mimic the human ability to learn, understand, and interact at a level of sophistication that matches human abilities. When corporate artificial intelligence is properly applied in the workplace, it promotes increased efficiency and productivity, automated operations, and communication between customers and employees alike.
In this article, we will go through computer vision solutions and enterprise AI applications in six industries.
Let's start with some computer vision solutions.
What Are Computer Vision Solutions?
Computer vision can analyze visual data such as pictures and videos from cameras, 3D scanners, and medical scanners. The human eye has been surpassed by computer vision, which is now very advanced.
Computer vision machines can do a lot with this seemingly simple task of finding patterns. Here are some of the most common:
Face Detection- also known as facial detection, is a computer technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to locate and detect human faces in a picture or video footage.
Human Detection- Human detection can find people in any image, video, or live stream, which makes your business more productive. The solution lets surveillance work be done from afar, saving money and improving staff's working conditions and health.
Object Detection- With computer vision systems, you can find out where a specific object is in an image.
To learn more, read our article about object detection.
Face Recognition- Computer vision systems can identify a person's gender, age, how they are feeling, and what culture they are from based on how they look. Biometric identification systems use facial recognition.
Facial Emotion Recognition- Facial expression identification is the process of identifying the expressions on facial images into various categories such as rage, fear, sorrow,surprise, happiness and etc.
Demographic Analysis- Using artificial intelligence (AI) and facial recognition technology, Demographic Analysis can determine the age and gender of individuals in any still picture, video, or live stream. This will allow you to better serve your visitors by customizing your offerings to their individual needs and learning more about your audience as a whole.
Barcode Detection- The Barcode Detection API detects linear and two-dimensional barcodes in images.
Face Blurring- The purpose of face blurring software is to blur people's faces in photos and videos so that their identities are not shown without their consent.
Content Moderation- The majority of content moderation nowadays is performed by automated systems, which calls for deploying AI, NLP, and computer vision techniques. It is possible to filter visual material and textual information, including text inside pictures.
Enterprise AI Applications in Six Industries
Enterprise AI in Transportation
The increasing need for transport has spurred technological advancement in this industry, with computer vision at the vanguard of this revolution. The most widely used computer vision applications in this industry.
Auto-driving Cars
To make self-driving cars a reality, computer vision detects and classifies objects (such as road signs or traffic signals), builds 3D maps, and estimates mobility.
Autonomous vehicles collect data from their surroundings through sensors and cameras, process it, and then act accordingly.
Cameralyze AI-based Object Detection's primary goal is to detect objects in images or videos quickly and automatically. Click here to explore our AI-based Object Detection solution.
Detecting Humans on the Sidewalk
It uses cameras to detect and identify pedestrians in still images and to move video, accounting for factors including the pedestrians' clothes and posture, occlusion, lighting conditions, and background clutter.
Detection of Cars in a Parking Area
Computer vision is widely used for visual parking lot occupancy monitoring in Parking Guidance and Information (PGI) systems. It's a more cost-effective replacement for sensor-based systems that need regular upkeep.
Thanks to Cameralze's Object and Human Detection with computer vision, it is possible to recognize and tag multiple objects like cars, traffic signs, and humans in any image, video, or live stream. To save time and increase productivity, Cameralyze's no-code Visual Intelligence Platform is the quickest method to turn your pictures, videos, and live stream data into actionable insights simultaneously.
If you want to learn more, contact us and start to use Cameralyze for free.
Enterprise AI in Agriculture
Models of artificial intelligence (including computer vision) have made important contributions to agriculture in many areas, such as monitoring crops and yields, automating harvesting, analyzing meteorological conditions, keeping an eye on animals' health, and diagnosing diseases in plants.
Checking Crops and Harvests
Monitoring plant growth in real-time and pinpointing agricultural changes due to hunger or disease is now possible because of advancements in computer vision.
Insect Detection
Finding insect pests early lets farmers take measures to safeguard crops and reduce losses.
Checking the Health of Livestock
Real-time remote animal monitoring is made possible by computer vision systems.
In addition to helping with censuses, it can also be used to spot illness or abnormal behavior and keep tabs on births.
Enterprise in Retail
Installing cameras in stores gives business owners access to a wealth of visual data that can be used to enhance the shopping and working experiences of customers and employees alike. The digitization of the physical environment is made much more possible by advances in computer vision systems to analyze this information.
Automated checkout is a real possibility thanks to computer vision-based systems assessing shopper interactions and monitoring product movement.
In addition to taking pictures, computer vision systems can follow items on shelves at millisecond intervals to conduct a full stocktake.
The technology might speed up the dissemination of stock-out and sales data and aid staff in managing inventories.
Analyses of Videos Using Intelligence
If AI-powered technologies are in place, they might monitor the premises and alert staff to any questionable behavior so that they can investigate and take appropriate action in real-time.
The accuracy of theft detection systems based on computer vision has been shown to increase thanks to the added benefit of real-time motion analysis. Using AI, cameras may detect various types of activity, increasing security.
Enterprise AI in Manufacturing
Human error can lead to dangerous situations and mistakes that cost a lot of money in the industrial sector. Industrial operations are faster, more accurate, and better when computer vision is used.
Defect Detection
Using computer vision to find flaws in manufacturing is called "defect detection." Using AI at the edge and flexible training, computer vision can be used in a wide range of manufacturing processes.
Computer vision can be used to keep an eye on places that are not staffed, like oil wells, which makes them safer. Face recognition software checks the identity of the person to make sure that only the right people can get into restricted areas.
Workplace Safety
Computer vision can find required gear in pictures and videos so that employees wear protective gloves and hard hats. This makes the workplace safer, and this makes the workplace safer for employees and makes it less likely that someone will get hurt or sued.
Increasingly, computer vision is being used for predictive maintenance, keeping tabs on the condition of vital infrastructure. If a machine or piece of equipment breaks down, it can cause significant delays in production, which can be quite expensive. Computer vision saves time and money and enables early detection and preventative interventions.
Enterprise AI in Healthcare
Data from medical imaging studies are among the most significant information sources.
Top-tier uses of computer vision in the medical field:
Imaging via X-Ray
Medical X-ray imaging for therapy and research, MRI reconstruction, and surgical planning are all potential application domains for computer vision.
Most doctors still use manual X-ray picture analysis, although this can be automated using computer vision for greater efficiency and accuracy.
X-rays, CAT scans, and MRI
Through the analysis of CT and MRI data, computer vision can help physicians in the early detection of tumors, internal bleeding, blocked blood vessels, and other potentially fatal conditions. Automating the process has also increased precision since robots can now identify subtleties that the naked eye would have previously missed.
Predicting Cancer
Doctors can detect abnormalities and changes using a photographic comparison of sick and healthy cells.
Rapid identification of cancer using MRI scan data is now possible with the use of automated detection. Currently, computer vision is applied to the detection of skin and breast cancer.
Evaluation of Blood Loss
Hemorrhage after giving birth is a major contributor to maternal mortality. It wasn't until recently that physicians had a reliable way to accurately estimate a patient's blood loss during and immediately after delivery.
As a result, doctors can better measure their patients' blood loss with the use of computer vision technology.
Computer Vision Solutions by Cameralyze
Enterprise AI solutions should take on responsibility for the bulk of the dull, monotonous work that your team struggles with on a daily basis. It's possible that relieving teams of some process stages will bring a significant amount of value to their day-to-day lives.
When carried out manually, these procedures consume a substantial amount of time and result in significant financial losses without using AI and computer vision solutions.
Cameralzye is here for you to reduce your workload with its hundreds of computer vision and enterprise AI solutions on one platform. Cameralyze is the easiest way to turn the data in your images, videos, CCTV footage, and live streams into insights that can be used. It also enables you to save time and increase productivity by automating your data processing using a Visual Intelligence Platform that requires no coding or technical knowledge.
Are you interested in the benefits of Enterprise AI to maximize your business productivity with a minimum workforce and technical knowledge? Start using it for free!